Greg Smith wrote:
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, Dave Page wrote:

We intentionally have not done that as we wanted to ensure that all
documentation published under was appropriately
moderated first.

OK, so hosting a probably inaccurate in many ways (at first) community documentation project wiki is inappropriate for a page; completely understandable. That "moderated first" thing is part of the problem with using Techdocs I already mentioned.

Can anyone think of another place a community docs wiki could go at?

I definitely think it should go on the official PostgreSQL site somewhere - that's where the community is. The documentation page already lists versions of the official docs "with comments". Isn't this an expansion of that? Anyone with a community account is free to post a comment.

If all those comments are moderated, then I'd suggest either adding a "Community Version" directly on that page, or adding one to the community page off of Techdocs.

Guy Rouillier

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