> vincent wrote:
>> True, but that only works for experienced 'nerds' who get a kick out of
>> connecting dots. Joe Average want's a bit more assistance, a bit more
>> guidance.
> Have you read the Tutorial section of the docs?  What do you feel it is
> missing?  Can you contribute to it?

Yes I have.
What's missing... well there are quite a few relatively basic things like
sequences and it doesn't touch stored-procedures and triggers. I guess I
could write something up in the 2.76 seconds of spare time I have every
week :)

But what I think would be really helpful is to get some organisation in
the sources of information. Techdocs for example. Can't we gather all that
information, validate it agains 8.2/8.3 and stick it into one big document
and call it "the PgSQL big book of wonders"? Give it an exhaustive intro
on every major aspect of PgSQL and that should setup users for life.

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