flag *J:        # isimo
   E    > -E, 'ISIMO  #  grand'isimo  <-- here  432
    E   > -E, 'ISIMOS   # grande grand'isimos
    E   > -E, 'ISIMA    # grande grand'isima
    E   > -E, 'ISIMAS   # grande grand'isimas
    O   > -O, 'ISIMO    # tonto tont'isimo
    O   > -O, 'ISIMA    # tonto tont'isima

Current implementation doesn't accept any character in ending except alpha ones.

i think 'I.. word is not correct for ispell, this should be one Í letter
That's right, but you should convert dictionary and affix file in UTF8 encoding.

Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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