hi folks

 i've tried to install ispell  for 

    TEMPLATE = ispell,
    DictFile = spanish,
    AffFile = spanish,
    StopWords = spanish

sentence, but, one error ocurrs 
ERROR:  syntax error at line 432 of affix file
the offending line is 

flag *J:        # isimo
   E    > -E, 'ISIMO  #  grand'isimo  <-- here  432
    E   > -E, 'ISIMOS   # grande grand'isimos
    E   > -E, 'ISIMA    # grande grand'isima
    E   > -E, 'ISIMAS   # grande grand'isimas
    O   > -O, 'ISIMO    # tonto tont'isimo
    O   > -O, 'ISIMA    # tonto tont'isima

i think 'I..  word is not correct for ispell, 
this should be one Í letter 
but nothing seems to work ..
I've tried  
select convert( 'ÍSIMO', 'SQL_ASCII', 'UTF8') ,
but don't work 

any clue?
best regards

sorry for my english :)

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