How would you rewrite something like:
WHERE (COALESCE(b.quantity, 0) - COALESCE(b.deliveredsum, 0)) > 0;
I could write:
where case when b.quantity is null then 0 else b.quantity end - case when
b.deliveredsum is null then 0 else b.deliveredsum end > 0
It is butt ugly, but is that the most efficient way to write it in 8.2.4?
Pavel Stehule wrote:
On 11/01/2008, Sim Zacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I changed it to "where f.commited is not true" and the query now takes 1 second
as opposed to 60.
(much faster then the 3 seconds it took on 8.0.1, which could also be because
of the coalesce there)
Is it considered better practice (or more efficient) to always use (x is not or
instead of coalesce? Or does it make more sense to turn on the option
You can use without coalesce() = some operator IS DISTINCT FROM ... .
Use coalesce only if you need some NON NULL value.
for you sample
where f.commited IS DISTINCT FROM true;
operator IS DISTINCT FROM is NULL insensitive
Pavel Stehule
Thank you much
I assume that the original query is something along the lines of
d left join f on (...) where coalesce(f.commited, false) = false
In the meantime, Sim would probably have better luck if he restructured
this particular clause in some other way, say
where f.commited is not true
where f.commited = false or f.commited is null
Note also that he really ought to move up to 8.2.6, as 8.2.4 is not
very sane about what IS NULL means for a left join's result.
regards, tom lane
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