Here are all of the data structures involved in this view. Query Ran: select * from assemblycanbuild
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assemblycanbuild AS SELECT assembliesbatchid, CASE WHEN min( CASE WHEN (stock::double precision - prioruse - quantity::double precision) >= 0::double precision THEN 100000000::double precision WHEN COALESCE(qtyperunit, 0::double precision) = 0::double precision OR (stock::double precision - prioruse) < 0::double precision THEN 0::double precision ELSE trunc((stock::double precision - prioruse) / qtyperunit) END) = 100000000::double precision THEN 'All'::character varying ELSE min( CASE WHEN COALESCE(qtyperunit, 0::double precision) = 0::double precision OR (stock::double precision - prioruse) < 0::double precision THEN 0::double precision ELSE trunc((stock::double precision - prioruse) / qtyperunit) END)::character varying END AS canbuild FROM assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected WHERE quantity <> 0 GROUP BY assembliesbatchid; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatchpriorexpected AS SELECT a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.units, a.quantity, a.stock, a.prioruse, COALESCE(sum( CASE WHEN COALESCE(e.promisedby::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone, e.requestedby::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone, CASE WHEN e.deliverywks IS NULL THEN f.issuedate ELSE NULL::date END::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone, CASE WHEN e.deliverywks <> -1 THEN (f.issuedate + e.deliverywks * 7)::timestamp without time zone::timestamp with time zone ELSE a.duedate + '1 day'::interval END) <= a.duedate THEN COALESCE(e.quantity, 0) - COALESCE(e.deliveredsum, 0) ELSE NULL::integer END), 0::bigint) AS expectedbefore, a.qtyperunit FROM assembliesstockbatchprioruse a LEFT JOIN (pos f JOIN poparts e ON f.poid = e.poid AND f.postatusid >= 20 AND f.postatusid <= 59 AND f.isrfq = false JOIN manufacturerpartpn g ON g.pnid = e.pnid) ON e.partid = a.partid GROUP BY a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.quantity, a.stock, a.prioruse, a.units, a.qtyperunit; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatchprioruse AS SELECT a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.units, a.quantity, a.stock, COALESCE(sum(- b.quantity)::double precision, 0::double precision) AS prioruse, a.qtyperunit, a.leadfree FROM assembliesstockbatch a LEFT JOIN (allocatedassemblies b JOIN assembliesbatch c ON b.assembliesbatchid = c.assembliesbatchid AND (c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 1 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 2 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 4 OR c.assembliesbatchstatusid = 7) JOIN assemblies q ON q.assemblyid = c.assemblyid) ON a.partid = b.partid AND COALESCE(a.ownerid, 1) = 1 AND a.leadfree = q.leadfree AND (a.duedate > c.duedate OR a.duedate = c.duedate AND a.assembliesbatchid > c.assembliesbatchid) GROUP BY a.assembliesbatchid, a.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, a.ownerid, a.partid, a.quantity, a.stock, a.units, a.qtyperunit, a.leadfree; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW assembliesstockbatch AS SELECT d.assembliesbatchid, d.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, c.ownerid, e.partid, d.units, - e.quantity AS quantity, COALESCE(c.stock, 0::bigint) AS stock, max(b.quantity) AS qtyperunit, a.leadfree FROM assemblies a JOIN assembliesbatch d ON d.assemblyid = a.assemblyid JOIN allocatedassemblies e ON e.assembliesbatchid = d.assembliesbatchid LEFT JOIN partsassembly b ON b.assemblyid = a.assemblyid AND e.partid = b.partid LEFT JOIN stockperowner_lead_ab() c(partid, ownerid, stock, leadstateid) ON c.partid = e.partid AND c.ownerid = 1 AND leadcompcheck_ab(a.leadfree, c.leadstateid) LEFT JOIN stocklog f ON f.refid = d.batchid AND f.transtypeid = 3 AND f.partid = e.partid WHERE (d.assembliesbatchstatusid = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 4, 7])) AND COALESCE(f.commited, false) = false GROUP BY d.assembliesbatchid, d.duedate, a.assemblyid, a.assemblyname, c.ownerid, e.partid, COALESCE(c.stock, 0::bigint), d.units, e.quantity, a.leadfree; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stockperowner_lead_ab() RETURNS SETOF stockperowner AS $BODY$ declare row stockperowner; begin for row in select partid,ownerid,sum(stock),2 from stockperowner where leadstateid in (2,3,4) group by partid,ownerid Loop return next row; end loop; for row in select partid,ownerid,sum(stock),1 from stockperowner where leadstateid in (1,3,4) group by partid,ownerid Loop return next row; end loop; return; end; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW stockperowner AS SELECT a.partid, a.ownerid, sum(a.stock) AS stock, b.leadstateid FROM stock a JOIN manufacturerpartpn b ON a.pnid = b.pnid WHERE b.compatibilitygradeid <= 400 GROUP BY a.partid, a.ownerid, b.leadstateid; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION leadcompcheck_ab(assmstat boolean, leadstateid integer) RETURNS boolean AS $BODY$ begin if assmstat and leadstateid in (1,3,4) then return true; elsif not assmstat and leadstateid in (2,3,4) then return true; else return false; end if; end $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; CREATE TABLE pos ( poid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.pos_poid_seq'::text)::regclass), supplierid integer, poref citext NOT NULL, postatusid integer, isrfq boolean, posupplierref citext, issuedate date, confirmationdate date, confirmationref citext, promiseddeliverydate date, deliverydate date, comments text, userid integer, currencyid integer DEFAULT 1, exchange double precision, printedcomment text, ownerid integer, suppliercontactid integer, readydate date, courierid integer, couriercontact citext, courierdate date, shipmentdoc citext, suppliercourier boolean, suppliercourierdetails citext, fob boolean, fobmfgname integer, attachments text, paymentorder integer, paymentdelivery integer, paymentcredit integer, creditdays integer, currentplus boolean, problems text, clonedfrompoid integer, followupcontactid integer, lastmodifieddate timestamp without time zone, filegenerated boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, revision integer DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT pos_pkey PRIMARY KEY (poid), CONSTRAINT pos_courierid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (courierid) REFERENCES couriers (courierid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT pos_currencyid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (currencyid) REFERENCES currencies (currencyid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT pos_followupcontactid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (followupcontactid) REFERENCES organizationcontacts (organizationcontactid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT pos_postatusid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (postatusid) REFERENCES postatus (postatusid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT pos_suppliercontactid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (suppliercontactid) REFERENCES organizationcontacts (organizationcontactid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT pos_supplierid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (supplierid) REFERENCES organizations (organizationid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE pos OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: courieridpo -- DROP INDEX courieridpo; CREATE INDEX courieridpo ON pos USING btree (courierid); -- Index: ix_b010e4db_b3da_4618_8328_f47d77c917a9_ -- DROP INDEX ix_b010e4db_b3da_4618_8328_f47d77c917a9_; CREATE INDEX ix_b010e4db_b3da_4618_8328_f47d77c917a9_ ON pos USING btree (currencyid); -- Index: ix_isrfqpo -- DROP INDEX ix_isrfqpo; CREATE INDEX ix_isrfqpo ON pos USING btree (isrfq); -- Index: ix_pospoid -- DROP INDEX ix_pospoid; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_pospoid ON pos USING btree (poid); -- Index: owneridpo -- DROP INDEX owneridpo; CREATE INDEX owneridpo ON pos USING btree (ownerid); -- Index: postatusidpo -- DROP INDEX postatusidpo; CREATE INDEX postatusidpo ON pos USING btree (postatusid); -- Index: supplieridpo -- DROP INDEX supplieridpo; CREATE INDEX supplieridpo ON pos USING btree (supplierid); -- Index: useridpo -- DROP INDEX useridpo; CREATE INDEX useridpo ON pos USING btree (userid); CREATE TABLE poparts ( popartid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.poparts_popartid_seq'::text)::regclass), poid integer, partid integer, pnid integer, quantity integer, supplierquantity integer, unitprice double precision, requestedby date, promisedby date, deliveredby date, deliverywks integer, comments citext, currencyid integer, statusrequest boolean, nobid boolean, invoiceno citext, paymentsatus integer, purchaseagreemet boolean, deliveredsum integer DEFAULT 0, fkpoitemstatusid integer, bestprice double precision, bestpricecomments citext, linenumber integer, intotal boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true, mpqqty integer, lastmodifieddate timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT poparts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (popartid), CONSTRAINT poparts_partid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (partid) REFERENCES parts (partid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT poparts_pnid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pnid) REFERENCES manufacturerpartpn (pnid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT poparts_poid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (poid) REFERENCES pos (poid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE poparts OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: currencyidpp -- DROP INDEX currencyidpp; CREATE INDEX currencyidpp ON poparts USING btree (currencyid); -- Index: ix_manufacturerpartpnpoparts -- DROP INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnpoparts; CREATE INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnpoparts ON poparts USING btree (pnid); -- Index: ix_partspoparts -- DROP INDEX ix_partspoparts; CREATE INDEX ix_partspoparts ON poparts USING btree (partid); -- Index: ix_pospoparts -- DROP INDEX ix_pospoparts; CREATE INDEX ix_pospoparts ON poparts USING btree (poid); -- Index: popartid -- DROP INDEX popartid; CREATE INDEX popartid ON poparts USING btree (popartid); CREATE TABLE manufacturerpartpn ( pnid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.manufacturerpartpn_pnid_seq'::text)::regclass), partid integer, manufacturerid integer, manufacturerpn citext, manufacturerdatasheet text, mpq integer, unitid integer, comments citext, compatibilitygradeid integer, pnstatusid integer, lifecycleid integer DEFAULT 100, translatempq boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, leadstateid integer, parentid integer, CONSTRAINT manufacturerpartpn_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pnid), CONSTRAINT manufacturerpartpn_compatibilitygradeid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (compatibilitygradeid) REFERENCES partcompatibility (compatibilitygradeid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT manufacturerpartpn_lifecycleid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (lifecycleid) REFERENCES partlifecycle (lifecycleid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT manufacturerpartpn_manufacturerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (manufacturerid) REFERENCES organizations (organizationid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT manufacturerpartpn_partid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (partid) REFERENCES parts (partid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT manufacturerpartpn_unitid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (unitid) REFERENCES units (unitid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE manufacturerpartpn OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: ix_dda4c108_741e_4831_b7a9_af5ef5afbcbc_ -- DROP INDEX ix_dda4c108_741e_4831_b7a9_af5ef5afbcbc_; CREATE INDEX ix_dda4c108_741e_4831_b7a9_af5ef5afbcbc_ ON manufacturerpartpn USING btree (compatibilitygradeid); -- Index: ix_manufacturerpartpnpnid -- DROP INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnpnid; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnpnid ON manufacturerpartpn USING btree (pnid); -- Index: ix_manufacturersmanufacturerpartpn -- DROP INDEX ix_manufacturersmanufacturerpartpn; CREATE INDEX ix_manufacturersmanufacturerpartpn ON manufacturerpartpn USING btree (manufacturerid); -- Index: ix_partlifecyclemanufacturerpartpn -- DROP INDEX ix_partlifecyclemanufacturerpartpn; CREATE INDEX ix_partlifecyclemanufacturerpartpn ON manufacturerpartpn USING btree (lifecycleid); -- Index: ix_partsmanufacturerpartpn -- DROP INDEX ix_partsmanufacturerpartpn; CREATE INDEX ix_partsmanufacturerpartpn ON manufacturerpartpn USING btree (partid); -- Index: ix_unitsmanufacturerpartpn -- DROP INDEX ix_unitsmanufacturerpartpn; CREATE INDEX ix_unitsmanufacturerpartpn ON manufacturerpartpn USING btree (unitid); -- Index: mpplsi -- DROP INDEX mpplsi; CREATE INDEX mpplsi ON manufacturerpartpn USING btree (leadstateid); CREATE TABLE allocatedassemblies ( allocatedassembliesid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.allocatedassemblies_allocatedassembliesid_seq'::text)::regclass), assembliesbatchid integer, partid integer, ownerid integer, quantity integer, commitdate timestamp without time zone, userid integer, comments citext, CONSTRAINT pk_allocatedassemblies PRIMARY KEY (allocatedassembliesid), CONSTRAINT fk_allocatedassemblies_assembliesbatchid FOREIGN KEY (assembliesbatchid) REFERENCES assembliesbatch (assembliesbatchid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT fk_allocatedassemblies_partid FOREIGN KEY (partid) REFERENCES parts (partid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE allocatedassemblies OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: fki_allocatedassemblies_assembliesbatchid -- DROP INDEX fki_allocatedassemblies_assembliesbatchid; CREATE INDEX fki_allocatedassemblies_assembliesbatchid ON allocatedassemblies USING btree (assembliesbatchid); -- Index: fki_allocatedassemblies_partid -- DROP INDEX fki_allocatedassemblies_partid; CREATE INDEX fki_allocatedassemblies_partid ON allocatedassemblies USING btree (partid); CREATE TABLE assembliesbatch ( assembliesbatchid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.assembliesbatch_assembliesbatchid_seq'::text)::regclass), batchid integer, assemblyid integer, units integer, comments citext, lastmodified timestamp without time zone, ab_options citext, buildprice double precision, duedate timestamp with time zone DEFAULT (('now'::text)::date + '49 days'::interval), customerid integer, allocatedunits integer, canbuild citext, entrydate timestamp without time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date, assembliesbatchstatusid integer DEFAULT 1, customername citext, currentsort integer, bomprice double precision, originalunits integer, quotationitemid integer, CONSTRAINT assembliesbatch_pkey PRIMARY KEY (assembliesbatchid), CONSTRAINT assembliesbatch_assembliesbatchstatus_id FOREIGN KEY (assembliesbatchstatusid) REFERENCES assembliesbatchstatus (assembliesbatchstatusid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT assembliesbatch_assemblyid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (assemblyid) REFERENCES assemblies (assemblyid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT assembliesbatch_batchid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (batchid) REFERENCES batches (batchid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT assembliesbatch_quotationitemid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (quotationitemid) REFERENCES sales.quotationitems (quotationitemid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE assembliesbatch OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: fki_assembliesbatch_assembliesbatchstatus_id -- DROP INDEX fki_assembliesbatch_assembliesbatchstatus_id; CREATE INDEX fki_assembliesbatch_assembliesbatchstatus_id ON assembliesbatch USING btree (assembliesbatchstatusid); -- Index: ix_080c8ff0_5017_42a2_a174_28095b85106e_ -- DROP INDEX ix_080c8ff0_5017_42a2_a174_28095b85106e_; CREATE INDEX ix_080c8ff0_5017_42a2_a174_28095b85106e_ ON assembliesbatch USING btree (assemblyid); CREATE TABLE assemblies ( assemblyid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.assemblies_assemblyid_seq'::text)::regclass), assemblyname citext NOT NULL, assemblytypeid integer DEFAULT 100, productid integer, leadfree boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true, CONSTRAINT assemblies_pkey PRIMARY KEY (assemblyid), CONSTRAINT assemblies_assemblytypeid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (assemblytypeid) REFERENCES assemblytype (assemblytypeid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT assemblies_productid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (productid) REFERENCES products (productid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT uix_assemblies_assemblyname UNIQUE (assemblyname) ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE assemblies OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: ix_assemblytypeassemblies -- DROP INDEX ix_assemblytypeassemblies; CREATE INDEX ix_assemblytypeassemblies ON assemblies USING btree (assemblytypeid); -- Index: ix_leadfree -- DROP INDEX ix_leadfree; CREATE INDEX ix_leadfree ON assemblies USING btree (leadfree); -- Index: ix_relationship58 -- DROP INDEX ix_relationship58; CREATE INDEX ix_relationship58 ON assemblies USING btree (productid); -- Index: uix_assemblies_assemblyname -- DROP INDEX uix_assemblies_assemblyname; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uix_assemblies_assemblyname ON assemblies USING btree (assemblyname); CREATE TABLE partsassembly ( partsassemblyid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.partsassembly_partsassemblyid_seq'::text)::regclass), partid integer NOT NULL, assemblyid integer NOT NULL, quantity double precision, unitid integer, CONSTRAINT partsassembly_pkey PRIMARY KEY (partsassemblyid), CONSTRAINT partsassembly_assemblyid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (assemblyid) REFERENCES assemblies (assemblyid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT partsassembly_partid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (partid) REFERENCES parts (partid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT partsassembly_unitid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (unitid) REFERENCES units (unitid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE partsassembly OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: assemblyidpa -- DROP INDEX assemblyidpa; CREATE INDEX assemblyidpa ON partsassembly USING btree (assemblyid); -- Index: idx_u_assidpartid -- DROP INDEX idx_u_assidpartid; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_u_assidpartid ON partsassembly USING btree (partid, assemblyid); -- Index: ix_19e2e534_c71c_4ea3_9c58_4871c4b37130_ -- DROP INDEX ix_19e2e534_c71c_4ea3_9c58_4871c4b37130_; CREATE INDEX ix_19e2e534_c71c_4ea3_9c58_4871c4b37130_ ON partsassembly USING btree (partid); -- Index: ix_5b3dd218_7383_402a_90e2_12458dd570ea_ -- DROP INDEX ix_5b3dd218_7383_402a_90e2_12458dd570ea_; CREATE INDEX ix_5b3dd218_7383_402a_90e2_12458dd570ea_ ON partsassembly USING btree (assemblyid); -- Index: ix_unitspartsassembly -- DROP INDEX ix_unitspartsassembly; CREATE INDEX ix_unitspartsassembly ON partsassembly USING btree (unitid); -- Index: partidpa -- DROP INDEX partidpa; CREATE INDEX partidpa ON partsassembly USING btree (partid); -- Index: partsassemblyid -- DROP INDEX partsassemblyid; CREATE INDEX partsassemblyid ON partsassembly USING btree (partsassemblyid); CREATE TABLE stocklog ( stocklogid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.stocklog_stocklogid_seq'::text)::regclass), partid integer, pnid integer, ownerid integer, quantity integer, transtypeid integer, out_deleted boolean, refid integer, poid integer, commited boolean, commitdate timestamp without time zone, userid integer, comments citext, stocklocationid integer, scanned boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, scanneddate timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT stocklog_pkey PRIMARY KEY (stocklogid), CONSTRAINT stocklog_ownerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ownerid) REFERENCES owners (ownerid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stocklog_partid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (partid) REFERENCES parts (partid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stocklog_pnid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pnid) REFERENCES manufacturerpartpn (pnid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stocklog_stocklocationid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (stocklocationid) REFERENCES stocklocations (stocklocationid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stocklog_transtypeid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (transtypeid) REFERENCES transtypes (transtypeid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE stocklog OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: ix_dfdc970a_9e18_4cf2_b28d_26c7c68d324f_ -- DROP INDEX ix_dfdc970a_9e18_4cf2_b28d_26c7c68d324f_; CREATE INDEX ix_dfdc970a_9e18_4cf2_b28d_26c7c68d324f_ ON stocklog USING btree (ownerid); -- Index: ix_manufacturerpartpnstocklog -- DROP INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnstocklog; CREATE INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnstocklog ON stocklog USING btree (pnid); -- Index: ix_partsstocklog -- DROP INDEX ix_partsstocklog; CREATE INDEX ix_partsstocklog ON stocklog USING btree (partid); -- Index: ix_transtypesstocklog -- DROP INDEX ix_transtypesstocklog; CREATE INDEX ix_transtypesstocklog ON stocklog USING btree (transtypeid); -- Index: owneridsl -- DROP INDEX owneridsl; CREATE INDEX owneridsl ON stocklog USING btree (ownerid); -- Index: partidsl -- DROP INDEX partidsl; CREATE INDEX partidsl ON stocklog USING btree (partid); -- Index: poidsl -- DROP INDEX poidsl; CREATE INDEX poidsl ON stocklog USING btree (poid); -- Index: referenceidsl -- DROP INDEX referenceidsl; CREATE INDEX referenceidsl ON stocklog USING btree (refid); -- Index: stocklogid -- DROP INDEX stocklogid; CREATE INDEX stocklogid ON stocklog USING btree (stocklogid); -- Index: targetidsl -- DROP INDEX targetidsl; CREATE INDEX targetidsl ON stocklog USING btree (transtypeid); -- Index: useridsl -- DROP INDEX useridsl; CREATE INDEX useridsl ON stocklog USING btree (userid); REATE TABLE stock ( stockid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(('public.stock_stockid_seq'::text)::regclass), partid integer, pnid integer, ownerid integer, stock integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stocklocationid integer, batchid integer, CONSTRAINT stock_pkey PRIMARY KEY (stockid), CONSTRAINT stock_batchid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (batchid) REFERENCES batches (batchid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stock_ownerid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (ownerid) REFERENCES owners (ownerid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stock_partid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (partid) REFERENCES parts (partid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stock_pnid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pnid) REFERENCES manufacturerpartpn (pnid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT stock_stocklocationid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (stocklocationid) REFERENCES stocklocations (stocklocationid) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT ) WITH OIDS; ALTER TABLE stock OWNER TO postgres; -- Index: ix_6f3e08e1_c643_4f37_be8a_778c97c4eccf_ -- DROP INDEX ix_6f3e08e1_c643_4f37_be8a_778c97c4eccf_; CREATE INDEX ix_6f3e08e1_c643_4f37_be8a_778c97c4eccf_ ON stock USING btree (ownerid); -- Index: ix_fa66a931_dbd2_4b59_ae2a_0fc056954753_ -- DROP INDEX ix_fa66a931_dbd2_4b59_ae2a_0fc056954753_; CREATE INDEX ix_fa66a931_dbd2_4b59_ae2a_0fc056954753_ ON stock USING btree (partid); -- Index: ix_manufacturerpartpnstock -- DROP INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnstock; CREATE INDEX ix_manufacturerpartpnstock ON stock USING btree (pnid); -- Index: ownerids -- DROP INDEX ownerids; CREATE INDEX ownerids ON stock USING btree (ownerid); -- Index: partids -- DROP INDEX partids; CREATE INDEX partids ON stock USING btree (partid); ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?