> Not sure --- when are you thinking of, and what was the context?
> I don't usually keep sample data unless the issue still seems open.

I was referring to a dump I provided a link to you called
"pg83-leads-sanitized.db" which was around 20 Dec, with email subject "Re:
[GENERAL] 8.3b2 XPath-based function index server crash".

>> I also noticed these in my log file, don't know if this is helpful:
>> TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(pointer == (void *) (((long) ((pointer)) + ((4)
>> -
>> 1)) & ~((long) ((4) - 1))))", File: "mcxt.c", Line: 581)
>> LOG:  server process (PID 714) was terminated by signal 6: Abort trap
>> TRAP: BadArgument("!(((header->context) != ((void *)0) &&
>> (((((Node*)((header->context)))->type) == T_AllocSetContext))))", File:
>> "mcxt.c", Line: 589)
>> LOG:  server process (PID 633) was terminated by signal 6: Abort trap
> These are consistent with the idea that we've got a memory-allocation
> problem, ie, libxml is trying to access data that was already freed.
> But exactly where and how is not any more clear than before.
> FWIW, I think it's unlikely that a single query will reproduce this,
> because the problem looks to be an expectation that leftover data is
> still valid when it ain't.  What you need to be looking for is a series
> of two or more queries that crash PG.  Possibly it'll be easier to
> reproduce with that in mind ...

Thanks for the tips. I am trying to get some sort of reproducible series
of queries, but so far no luck. I'll let you know if I find anything.

-- m@

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