> This was reported before,
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2007-12/msg00716.php
> but neither he nor you have provided anything approximating a
> reproducible test case.  The interactions with libxml are messy
> enough that I'm not even going to think about fixing this without
> a test case to trace through.

I'll try to get a test case to you. I've had trouble getting it to
consistently crash, except via JDBC. Do you still happen to have that
database dump I provided to you previously? I can try to get the crash to
occur on that table.

I also noticed these in my log file, don't know if this is helpful:

TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(pointer == (void *) (((long) ((pointer)) + ((4) -
1)) & ~((long) ((4) - 1))))", File: "mcxt.c", Line: 581)
LOG:  server process (PID 714) was terminated by signal 6: Abort trap

TRAP: BadArgument("!(((header->context) != ((void *)0) &&
(((((Node*)((header->context)))->type) == T_AllocSetContext))))", File:
"mcxt.c", Line: 589)
LOG:  server process (PID 633) was terminated by signal 6: Abort trap

-- m@

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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