On Nov 26, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Chris Browne wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik Jones) writes:
Since no one's mentioned it, and while I don't have any personal
experience with it, I thought I'd mention the recently released
Bucardo (http://bucardo.org/) as another Postgres replication option.
It's Yet Another Asynchronous Replication System, ergo as
unsatisfactory for "forcibly real time" requirements as any of the
other async systems...
True. But, as has been pointed out by others, people often ask for
synchronous replication when they don't really realize what that is
or what it implies and, since they're often willing to revise their
requirements once they do, I thought it'd be nice (to the Bucardo
guys at least) to point out Bucardo as a viable replication option.
Erik Jones
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