Jeff Larsen escribió:
> > Someone is working on extending the current system to allow read-only
> > queries on a standby server [1], thus making it a "hot standby", but
> > this feature apparently won't be included until 8.4 [2].
> My 2 cents...
> I would rather see someone working on true synchronous replication,
> rather than a readable hot-standby. Yeah, I know, different problems
> with different solutions. But,. for my money, a readable hot-standby
> doesn't give me added functionality, it's just a performance option.
> Whereas synchronous replication has much greater value from a the
> perspective of running a 24x7 business.
> I'm on the verge of dumping our commercial DB in favor of PostgreSQL,
> but this is one issue that is holding me back.

Maybe you can persuade Markus Schiltknecht to let you have a peek at his
Postgres-R project,

Alvaro Herrera        
"¿Qué importan los años?  Lo que realmente importa es comprobar que
a fin de cuentas la mejor edad de la vida es estar vivo"  (Mafalda)

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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