On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 01:26:23AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> out there who don't get past that hurdle and just give up.  It would
> be interesting to troll the mysql lists for evidence of the downside
> of their default ... which'd be along the line of "someone broke into
> my completely insecure database and stole/destroyed all my data" ...

Not "stole", surely?  If they don't know they need a DBA, then they
presumably also don't know that someone's been into the system and
taken stuff.

To respong to the original question, I'd also point out that sites
that thought, "We can't afford a sysadmin," have usually found out
the hard way that they were mistaken.  Even for simple Windows
networks of a few machines, you need someone to look after it.

Refusing to hire a DBA for data you actually care about is like
refusing to take your car to the mechanic at regular service
intervals, because "there's nothing wrong with it."  Supposing you
don't need a DBA for MySQL or MS SQL Server or any other such system
is a dangerous delusion.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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