You know the old saying, tell a lie often enough and it becomes the

There are perceptions about databases out there that may not stand the
test of analysis.  But that really doesn't matter.  If you want to bring
down the perception, you need to use a different tact.  And that has
nothing to do with engineering. It's why successful companies have
marketing and sales groups.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lew
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] young guy wanting (Postgres DBA) ammo

Kevin Hunter wrote:
> At 12:35a -0400 on 02 Nov 2007, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Kevin Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> However, I'm not a DBA and only minimally know what's involved in
>>> the job, so I don't have "ammo" to defend (or agree?) with my friend
>>> when he says that "Postgres requires a DBA and MySQL doesn't so
>>> why they choose the latter.
>> He's full of it ... mysql is not any easier to run or tune.
> I expected as much, but would you give me something more than "Because
> Tom says so!"  Good enough for me, but not for a
> non-Postgres-indoctrinated person, I fear.  ;-)

MySQL comprises at least three different database engines, one of which
not support relational integrity.

Where I used to work, we developed a MySQL-based solution that required 
foreign keys, so we used one of the engines that did support that.  The
for the production system forgot that instruction, and didn't use our
I guess, because they configured the production system with the version
didn't support foreign keys.  Whoops.

MySQL's configuration contains similar tuning parameters to PG's.  All
need to do to gather "ammo" is to visit the respective web sites and
read up 
on the configuration parameters for both.

By "MSSQL", what do you mean?  SQL Server?  That also needs some tuning.

Tuning, of course, is only one chore for a DBA.  Designing and
maintaining the 
dataspace, performing backups without sacrificing (too much)
managing indexes, perhaps writing and maintaining stored procedures, 
allocating usernames and passwords, creating and configuring schemas (or

whatever they're called in the particular product) are all part of DBA

Does MySQL even support stored procedures?

PG surely doesn't need a DBA for small data stores, any more than MySQL
  No DBMS will survive a heavy production environment for long without
keeping an eye on it, particularly with large data sets.  Then you get
issues of RAID storage, clustering, failover and business continuity,
striping, segmenting the database so you can drop or maintain parts of
while leaving others in service, and much more are all part of any
DBMS if you want it reliable.

Anybody who promulgates the idea that MySQL or SQL Server (assuming
that's the 
one you meant) do not need a DBA simply have their head up their ass.
has to handle these tasks, and if the workload is high enough, that
needs to 
be someone's primary duty.

Unless, of course, you simply don't care about your data.  The lifeblood
your enterprise.


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