On 10/31/07, Christian Schröder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Tom Lane wrote: > >> Ok, you wrote "Postgres will recover automatically", but could this take > >> several minutes? > >> > > > > Yeah, potentially. I don't suppose you have any idea how long it'd been > > since your last checkpoint, but what do you have checkpoint_timeout and > > checkpoint_segments set to? > > > > I did not change these parameters from their default values, so > checkpoint_timeout is 5 min and checkpoint_segments is 8. > > > What I'd like to know about is why the child process was unresponsive to > > SIGINT in the first place. There's little we can do about long-running > > plpython functions, for instance, but if it was looping in Postgres > > proper then we should do something about that. Can you reproduce this > > problem easily? > > > > Unfortunately not. I have tried the same query and it took only about 1 > sec to complete. In fact, it's a simple seq scan with a single filter > condition. No user defined functions are involved. > Maybe it has something to do with the users connecting from their > Windows machines to the PostgreSQL server using psqlodbc. On the other > hand, it has not been the first time that such a user connection had to > be terminated and we did never experience this problem. > If I see the phenomenon again I will use strace or something similar to > find out what the backend process is doing.
Tom, is it possible the backend was doing something that couldn't be immediately interrupted, like a long wait on IO or something? ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org/