

First you need to identify the correct postgresql process. Postgresql
spawns an individual server process for each database connection. They
look something like this:


postgres 27296  7089  9 08:00 ?        00:05:52 postgres: username
databasename [local] idle


If a query was running then it would say 'SELECT' instead of 'idle'.


You can send a SIGINT (ie, -2) to that process to cancel a query, eg


kill -2 27296


In most systems SIGINT is the default for kill so you could just do kill

The tip is ''kill -9' the postmaster', which has two important
differences to the scenario I just described:


1) kill -9 means the OS kills the process without allowing it to clean
up after itself

2) The postmaster is the master postgresql backend process. If you want
to kill a single query you would not want to kill that.


Regards // Mike 




From: Stefan Schwarzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2007 3:58 PM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: (Never?) Kill Postmaster?


Hi there,


I read dozens of times the "TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster"...


Now, what am I supposed to do if I launched a query which takes ages,
and which I want to interrupt? 


Thanks for any advice,






  Stefan Schwarzer


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