Bob Pawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The latest in the saga -
> By using - pg_restore  -h localhost -d PDW -U postgres  aurel.sql

> I get the message - pg_restore: input file does not appear to be a valid 
> archive.

Oh, I just twigged that you are using a plain-SQL dump file (that is,
you didn't specify -Fc or -Ft to pg_dump).  For plain-SQL dumps you
should not use pg_restore at all; you feed those to psql.

This bites enough newbies that I'm thinking the above message ought to
inclue a HINT to use psql directly.  We haven't previously used hints
in client-side messages but this seems to need one.  Anyone have
thoughts about how to phrase and format it?

(BTW, I just fixed pg_restore to always mention the file name it
attempted to open after getting an fopen failure.)

                        regards, tom lane

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