On Sunday 28 October 2007 3:01 pm, Bob Pawley wrote:
> The latest in the saga -
> By using - pg_restore  -h localhost -d PDW -U postgres  aurel.sql
> I get the message - pg_restore: input file does not appear to be a valid
> archive.
> I get this message when I used the aurel.sql file which I previously loaded
> successfully in 8.1 and also when I use an aurel.sql file which I just
> successfully dumped a few minutes ago from the 8.1 on my other computer.
> Could pg_restore in my 8.2 be corrupted??
> Bob
What does your dump command look like? My guess is your are doing a plain text 
dump and pg_restore only works with the custom formats. If you want to use 
the plain text version than you need to use psql. This maybe how you got to 
the point of having both pg_restore and psql on the same line.
Adrian Klaver

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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