On 10/22/07, Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I read somewhere that Vista makes the size of the desktop heap dynamic, but
> you were on 2003, right?

Yeah, 32bit 2003 SP2, which has the same limits as XP.  It looks like
Vista also has the same limits on actual heap sizes, but manages
kernel address space dynamically, so it doesn't get stuck with
arbitrary limits there.  I don't have a Vista machine to verify

> Are you running the server as a service or from the commandprompt?

Service, I've been using the standard MSI install of 8.2.5.

> > > Magnus and I did observe that we're using 1 user object and 4 GDI
> > > objects per connection. If anyone happens to know how we might identify
> > > those, please shout as so far we've drawn a blank :-(
> >
> > Those appear to belong to the console window.
> Makes sense - a Windows, a system menu, etc. There's probably a "hidden
> console window" when running as a service...

Well, the only thing actually running as a service is pg_ctl; the
other processes just belong to the same desktop.  They're all console
executables, so they get the usual objects, but they're not visible

It could be that there's a significant difference between XP and 2003
in how that's handled though.  I do have an XP SP2 machine here with
512MB RAM, and I'll try tests on it as soon as I can free up what it's
currently occupied with.

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