Magnus Hagander wrote:
> Another followup. Been working with Dave on and off today (well, him mostly
> on to be honest, me a bit more on and off), and it seems that both our
> repros clearly blame the desktop heap, and nothing else. Please use the
> desktop heap tool and see if it breaks when the desktop heap usage
> approaches 100%:
> It'd still be good to know why the difference is so big between your two
> systems.

Further info on this for the record - on XP Pro (which I'm testing on),
the desktop heap size defaults to 512KB for non-interactive sessions and
3072KB for interactive. In testing I find that I can get up to around 46
or so connections when running as a service before desktop heap is
exhausted and postgres dies.

When running interactively I can get a little over 125 connections
before things start dying, however, in that case it's *not* because of
dekstop heap, because I can start a second cluster and run 125
connections on each simultaneously.

If I run three instances up together, one of them will die as soon as
desktop heap gets to 100% usage.

So, we seem to be hitting two limits here - the desktop heap, and
something else which is cluster-specific. Investigation continues...

Regards, Dave

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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