
Sorry for top-posting but since I am answering questions that don't all
appear in this message:

- I installed the default download of Postgres. I didn't compile myself,
so it's probably the mingw version

- Max_connections is set to 500. I did that originally because I kept
seeing a message about no connection available and I thought it was
because I was not allocating enough connections. My machine has 2GB of RAM.

- How do I determine what DLL is failing and what is causing it to fail in
its initialization routine?



On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 16:02:32 -0700, Trevor Talbot wrote:

> On 10/16/07, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Laurent Duperval wrote:
>> > >> I get en error in the logs that state:
>> > >>
>> > >> Server process exited with exit code -1073741502
> FYI, this exit code means a DLL's initialization routine indicated
> failure during process startup.
>> > If I run each test case separately, I don't see this issue. But when I run
>> > them as a whole (i.e. run all tests defined in my application) I get the
>> > same error every time.
>> Maybe Eclipse is trying to run more of them at a time than ant, and the
>> extra concurrency is killing the server for some reason.
> Sounds likely.
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