On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 15:06:37 -0400, Kris Jurka wrote:

>> I get en error in the logs that state:
>> Server process exited with exit code -1073741502
> This is likely a server bug.  If you can isolate the failing test and 
> extract a self contained example someone can probably fix it.

It seems to be some sort of interaction between Eclipse and Junit/Postgres
driver. When I run my tests, just before the server crash, I have dozens
and dozens of spawned Postgres processes. When the crash occurs, all
processes are killed and restarted again. And this process continues until
the tests complete.

When I run the tests from an ant script I also see some spawned processes,
but nothing like running it in Eclipse.

If I run each test case separately, I don't see this issue. But when I run
them as a whole (i.e. run all tests defined in my application) I get the
same error every time.


> Kris Jurka
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