Hi ! I am using postgreSQL v8.1.5 with latest odbc driver v8.02.0500. I have very slow request between my server and my client. They are both on the same switch 100Mb/s. I have no particular network problems. I use the pgadmin tool to do my request.
My database is compose of one table. This table has some simple fields (varchar & int, less than 500 bytes) and its primary key is a varchar(32) (CLSID). This table has 140000 records. I know the primary key as a clsid is not the best choice, but it is mine :) The request "select * from mytable" on the server takes approximatively 30 seconds. The same request on the client takes approximatively 400 seconds ! What I do not understand is that my network traffic during this request on the client side is very low. It is less than 100KB/s ! Why is it so slow ? I suppose that my 140000 records are retrieve one by one... is it true ? if yes, why ? I try to do the same thing with another table with a primary key as 'int4'. The result is the same : 540 secs to retrieve 150000 records at 45 KB/s (average speed) (132 octets/record * 150000 = 19MB / 45 KB/ s = 430 seconds) How can I improve these performances ? thanks Mike ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match