Hi, I was after opinions as to the best way to lay tables out to get the effect of a "disjoint union" type (also known as a "tagged union"). When I have to do this at the moment, I'm creating a structure like:
CREATE TABLE circle ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, radius REAL NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE square ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, sidelen REAL NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE shapes ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, tag INTEGER NOT NULL, circleid INTEGER REFERENCES circle CHECK ((tag = 1) = (circleid IS NOT NULL)), squareid INTEGER REFERENCES square CHECK ((tag = 2) = (squareid IS NOT NULL)) ); I can then put data into this by doing: BEGIN; INSERT INTO circle (radius) VALUES (1); INSERT INTO shapes (tag,circleid) VALUES (1,currval('circle_id_seq')); COMMIT; This works, but it's sometimes a bit of a headache turning things around so they fit this structure. Are there standard solutions to this that work better? Thanks, Sam ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq