On Oct 5, 2007, at 9:05 , Bill Bartlett wrote:

Quick request to the group: we have several members who include bogus or
"humorous" X-Message-Flag headers in their email messages.  Could I
request that you _please_ turn them off?

In all practicality, a request like this is futile:
* Given the number of people on the list, you'll never get everybody to remove "bogus"
X-Message-Flag headers
* Given it's an X- header, doesn't that mean the meaning of the value is implementation dependent? What's "bogus" wrt Outlook may not be wrt another mail system or client * Doesn't this indicate that Outlook is broken (for some values of broken)?

  Because they come through as
flagged messages in Outlook,  it throws off my email rules processing
and the messages end up into the wrong groups.  (With the volume of
email these days, I definitely need all the assistance I can get from
things like rules processing to attempt to stay on top of it.)

I sympathize. there *is* a lot of email traffic these days (and not just from the lists). But rather than request that others bend to your rules, I'd think a better solution would be to find (or develop) tools that do what you want. Whether that means better rule handling or better understanding of various headers, it sounds like Outlook isn't doing the job for you. Perhaps a hybrid approach would be helpful: use another email client for mailing lists and Outlook otherwise.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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