On 9/11/07, Phoenix Kiula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Greg.
> Scenario 1, SATAII:
> - Server: Asus RS120-E4/PA4 Dedicated Server
> - CPU: Single -- Intel Quad Core Xeon Processor x3210 Processor 2.13Ghz
> - RAM: 4Gb DDR2 Memory 667Mhz
> - Hard disk: 4 x Seagate ES SATAII HardDrive 7200RPM 250Gb (Total 500Gb)
> - Raid 10: 3Ware Raid 9650SE: http://www.acnc.com/04_01_10.html

Good controller.  Battery backed cache module?

> Scenario 2, SCSI:
> - Server: IBM e326m 1U Rackmount server
> - CPU: Double -- Opteron 275 is 2 x 2.2GHz, with 2 x 1MB L2 Cache
> - RAM: 4Gb PC3200 ECC Registered
> - Hard disk: 2 x 300GB SCSI 10K RPM
> - Raid 1: LSI Logic

LSI makes a lot of different RAID controllers.

Again, battery backed cache?  and how much for each controller?

Generally LSI's have been a bit slower than escalades in the past, but
they're also quite stable and reliable, and their close in

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