>The point people are trying to make to you is that the differences between 
>RAID controllers can be as big as that between RAID architectures in cases 
>like yours.  Which controller you're using and how the cache is setup can 
>have a larger impact on INSERT performance than how many/what type of 
>disks are involved.  If you've comparing a fast SAS controller to a slow 
>SATA2 one, than the SAS setup may very well run faster no matter how many 
>disks the SATA2 one has.  Conversely, it's not unheard of to have a SAS 
>controller with such miserable operating system drivers that there is no 
>performance advantage to using faster SCSI disks instead of SATA2.

>You're not going to get a particularly useful answer here without giving 
>some specifics about the two disk controllers you're comparing, how much 
>cache they have, and whether they include a battery backup.

Exactly, thats the point.

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