On Aug 17, 2007, at 7:27 , Michelle Konzack wrote:
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You might want to consider changing your mailing list subscription settings to "eliminatecc", e.g., send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (not the list address!) with body set pgsql-general eliminatecc This should prevent the mailing list from sending you a second copy.
I have a very huge table of references from Websites (html, pics, ...) where the elements stored on a fileserver using sha384.Now the indextable hold all filenames and download dates but now I liketo get a "snapshoot on a paticular day. How must I create the SELCT statement to get ALL files valid on a particular day? Note: There can be every time a new index.html for example but images change only once a month... So I need all elements valable on the paticular day which mean, I need to select that LAST version of the elements...
I think what you want is something like:SELECT DISTINCT ON (website_reference) website_reference, download_date, file_path
FROM indextable WHERE download_date <= ? -- whatever date you're interested in ORDER BY website_reference, download_date DESC;This should return the most recent website_reference and its download_date that's earlier than the download_date specified in the WHERE clause.
DISTINCT ON is a (very helpful) PostgreSQL extension. You can get similar results using a subquery;
SELECT website_reference, download_date, file_path FROM indextable NATURAL JOIN ( SELECT website_reference, max(download_date) as download_date FROM indextable WHERE download_date <= ? GROUP BY website_reference ) most_recent_versions;This may return more than one row per website_reference if the website_reference has more than on file_path for a particular download_date.
Does this help? If not, could you give a bit more of a concrete example?(Is is just me or have there been a lot of queries that can be solved using DISTINCT ON recently?)
Michael Glaesemann grzm seespotcode net
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