Am 2007-08-17 12:53:41, schrieb Michael Glaesemann:
> On Aug 17, 2007, at 7:27 , Michelle Konzack wrote:
> >*********************************************************************
> >* Do not Cc: me, because I am on THIS list, if I write here.        *
> You might want to consider changing your mailing list subscription  
> settings to "eliminatecc", e.g., send email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not the list address!) with body
> set pgsql-general eliminatecc
> This should prevent the mailing list from sending you a second copy.

Which mean, my "INBOX.ML_pgsql.general/" will never receive
messages and break all threads where someone send me CC's...

> I think what you want is something like:
> SELECT DISTINCT ON (website_reference) website_reference,  
> download_date, file_path
> FROM indextable
> WHERE download_date <= ? -- whatever date you're interested in
> ORDER BY website_reference, download_date DESC;
> This should return the most recent website_reference and its  
> download_date that's earlier than the download_date specified in the  
> WHERE clause.
> DISTINCT ON is a (very helpful) PostgreSQL extension. You can get  
> similar results using a subquery;

I have never used "DISTINCT ON" (it was not known to me)
and was trying subqueries...  :-/

> SELECT website_reference, download_date, file_path
> FROM indextable
>     SELECT website_reference, max(download_date) as download_date
>     FROM indextable
>     WHERE download_date <= ?
>     GROUP BY website_reference
>     ) most_recent_versions;
> This may return more than one row per website_reference if the  
> website_reference has more than on file_path for a particular  
> download_date.
> Does this help? If not, could you give a bit more of a concrete example?

I have an Enterprise which do researches  :-)  and I have a local cache
of more then 150.000.000 URL's and its content (~8 TByte)...  (I have
hit over 2000 md5 collisons and now using sha384)  Also I get per day
nearly 100.000 new files...

OK, HTML pages are downloaded and go into the first table like

        indextable      FULL_URL, SHA384SUM

and the second table

        content         SERNUM (uniq), SHA384SUM (pri), LOCAL_PATH

the saved file get as the name the SHA384 name

If I open an HTML-URL with a specific date, it is parsed and the URL's
inline are adapted to make it work from my database, e.g.

will become


inline elements and already downloaded other links will bekome


Thanks to the PostgreSQL developers that they have created "tablespace"
and "table partitioning" since searching in 150.000.000 ROW's is the

> (Is is just me or have there been a lot of queries that can be solved  
> using DISTINCT ON recently?)

I do not know...  Since when does "DISTINCT ON" exist?

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/61925193    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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