Janet wrote:
> Hello!
> I don't know if there is the right place to ask my question. If not, 
> please accept my apology.
> I'm totally new to Linux. And I have troubles using the PostgreSQL.
> I installed Redhat 6.0 and find there is postgresql already installed
> on my computer.
> Running the following command I get:
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> $rpm -ql postgresql
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
> /usr/bin/cleardbdir
> /usr/bin/createdb
> /usr/bin/createuser
> /usr/bin/destroydb
> /usr/bin/destroyuser
> /usr/bin/initdb
> /usr/bin/initlocation
> /usr/bin/pg_passwd
> /usr/bin/pg_version
> /usr/bin/postgres
> /usr/bin/postmaster
> /usr/doc/postgresql-6.4.2

6.4 is particularly old. So I would do the following:

1. Become the root user:


2. Uninstall the old packagaes:

rpm -e postgresql
rpm -e postgresql-clients
rpm -e postgresql-devel

3. Ftp the new rpms from ftp.postgresql.org:


At a minimum, you'll want to download:

postgresql-7.0-2.i386.rpm -- this includes clients and shared
postgresql-devel-7.0-2.i386.rpm -- this is for development
postgresql-server-7.0-2.i386.rpm -- this is the actual server

4. Install the rpms:

rpm -i postgresql-7.0-2*

5. Start the server:

cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
./postgresql start

The newer RPMS, thanks to Lamar Owen, will *automatically* create
the appropriate postgres user and group when installed, and
initialize the database system for you the first time you start
the server using the script above. Once the database starts, you
can create users and a non-template database:

6. Become user postgres from root:

su postgres

7. Connect to the template database:

psql template1

bash$ psql template1
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit


8. Create a database user. Your normal unix account would be

template1=# CREATE USER mascarj CREATEDB;

9. Disconnect from the database as user postgres and reconnect as
your normal unix account:

template1=# \q
bash$ exit
[root@ferrari init.d]# exit
[mascarj@ferrari init.d]$

10. Reconnect to template1 using your normal unix account and
create a database:

[mascarj@ferrari mascarj]$ psql template1;
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

template1=> CREATE DATABASE example;

You'll notice that the psql prompt is a '>' instead of a '#' to
denote that you are not the postgres DBA user.

11. Disconnect from the template1 database and connect to the
database you've just created:

template1=> \q
[mascarj@ferrari mascarj]$ psql example;  
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit


Now your ready to create tables, views, sequences and all that
other good stuff.

Hope that helps, 

Mike Mascari

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