
The query is simple: 

select count(*) from table;

I have the same error message  with almost all queries,
I'm trying to debug what's new on that table (data) 
because it was working fine..

The version I'm using:

PostgreSQL 6.5.3 on i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc egcs-2.91.66

The table:

|           Field            |           Type             |Length|
| dfoclave                   | int4 not null              |    4 |
| dfoforo                    | int4 not null              |    4 |
| dfopadre                   | int4                       |    4 |
| dfonombre                  | varchar()                  |   80 |
| dfotitulo                  | varchar()                  |   80 |
| dfofecha                   | timestamp not null         |    4 |
| dfotexto                   | text                       |  var |

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 15:20:55 -0400, Mike Mascari wrote:
>  Please post the query, the definition of the tables the query is
>  accessing and the version of PostgreSQL you are using. You are
>  tickling a bug. That message means the backend crashed while
>  executing your query. Right off hand I would sugguest testing the
>  same query with 7.0RC1 from ftp.postgresql.org to see if the
>  error still exists in the about-to-be newest release.
>  Hope that helps, 
>  Mike Mascari

Have an excellent day

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