>>To summarize, I stated that the following does not work with
>>> $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
>>> $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE tmp (a int unique,b int)");
>>>         $rtv = $dbh->do("INSERT INTO tmp VALUES ($1,$2)");
>>>         if ($rtv) {$dbh->do("UPDATE tmp SET b=$2 where a=$1")};
>>> $dbh->commit;
>>> $dbh->disconnect;
>>It's not that eval's error trapping is blown out - it's that the
>>transaction defined by the AutoCommit cannot complete because a part
>>of it cannot complete -- that's what atomicity means.
>Maybe I don't understand the situation. But it doesn't seem to be a big
>With postgres you have ensure that your application filters the data
>properly before sticking it into the database. Then if the insert fails,
>it's probably a serious database problem and in that case it's best that
>the whole transaction is aborted anyway.

This reason this idiom is used has nothing to do with validation.  I
agree that the application has the resopnsibility to cehck for valid

The usefulness of the idion is that in a mutli-user environment, this
is a basic way to update data that may or may not already have a key
in the table.  You can't do a "SELECT COUNT" because in the time
between when you SELECT and INSERT (assuming the key is not already
there) someone may have done a separate insert.  The only other way I
know to do this is to lock the entire table against INSERTs which has
obvious performance effects.

Karl DeBisschop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
617.832.0332 (Fax: 617.956.2696)

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