i have created a table +---------------+-------+---------+ | ref | int4 | 4 | |family | text | var | |typ | text | var | +---------------+-------+---------+ Now i have the necessity to modify typ from text to int4. Is it possible? how? Thanks for replying to [EMAIL PROTECTED] marco -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |m|a|r|c|o| |g|i|a|r|d|i|n|i| +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ TecnoGi spa Tel. +39 0321 885422 Strada per Gravellona Fax +39 0321 885333 Borgolavezzaro (NO) http://www.tecnogi.com Key fingerprint = B5 B4 AA 91 89 50 43 8F B1 6B C6 8C 34 79 5A 7F ************