I don't know about the date formatting (although I
know that can always be done easily on the application
end, which is usually more convenient), but about the

They should work pretty much like perl (there may be a
few differences) except that you aren't retrieving
matches in PG or replacing, it is just a boolean test
to see if a pattern is found.

here is some brief documentation on perl regexes, to
get you started at least:

Hope it helps. You might also try documentation for
other programming languages that use regexes (PHP, Sed
& Awk, etc). 

-Jeff Davis

--- Frank R Callaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Excuse my ignorance but is there anyway to
> format a returned date aka 'mm/dd/yy' in a query
> like
> sybase dateformat(date, 'mm/dd/yy');
> also is the a good document explaining the use
> of regex in postgresql.
> TIA,
>             Frank.
> ************
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