1) EOF is an app server that complys corba/tkom/ejb, or it is another
"standard"? if the latter, it should/will die! (I wish tkom die
also, seems impossble now though :-(
2) app tier is good, but if SP is forbidden, the cost is that you have to
write or buy more for things that comes with dbms for free! Also, less
performance. The bottom line is: for some thing that is naturally relational
(instead of OO), it is for both dev. cost and performance that they'd better
stay in dbms. I understand commercial dbms' SP also motivated by evil
locking desire, but there are strong legitimate reasons also. conclusion:
app and sp should co-exist.
3) of course, that is for single dbms, if you need coupled multiple
ones ("distributed db"), app tier is the choice;
4) cos (& IF) all dbms' SP are similar, SP can improve portability,
comparing with clever but irregular work-arounds. remember: change
db is a big decision, "dynamic" db change is a luxuary.
5)as for datamart, seems that mysql is a better choice. seems to me that Pg
is optimized for transactional, mysql is and will be more optimized for
datamart -- just opinions, I'll do more research/testing on this.
>From: Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: amy cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] stored procedure revisited
>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 17:29:29 +0000 (GMT)
>actually, one would hope that the system has its db independence in the
>application layer rather than the database layer. for instance, using
>something like NeXT's Enterprise Objects Framework to fetch rows from the
>db and translate the rows into objects, you only deal with the objects.
>The whole datastore, at this point, becomes irrelevant since you rarely
>deal with the underlying SQL -- EOF takes care of all that for you.
>Instead, you say "hey, i want all the objects that have their personName
>ivar equal to Amy" ( "personName = 'Amy'" ). I'm fairly positive that
>Sun's Java equivalent of EOF ( 'Entity Javabeans', iirc ) does the same
>sort of thing.
>keeping inserts/selects/etc in stored procedures would still require a
>rewrite of all the stored procedures when moving to another db vendor,
>which may or may not be a large problem depending on that vendor's
>imeplementation of stored procedures and SQL in general. granted, you
>wouldnt have to completely gut the application and rewrite the whole
>bloody thing, but since your app is already going to have some of it
>rewritten ( cant use an OCI call on postgresql ), i think it'd made more
>sense to abstract things further by putting all the logic into your
>objects, EOF or Entity Javabeans, rather than in the db.
>so now lets talk code reuse. both options would give you about the same
>level of code reuse, but in two completely different ways. stored
>procedures ( and company/DBA policy ) pretty much force the user to take
>advantage of them rather than doing raw inserts, selects, etc on the
>underlying tables. EOF forces you to deal with the objects rather than
>sql. either way, all of your business logic is in one location. by
>using a higher-level language, however, you wouldnt have to deal with
>tedious pl/sql-ish programming. one could also argue that having 20+
>different stored procedures is really no better than memorizing the
>business logic and duplicating that in the application, bypassing the
>procedures altogether. if you have to deal with developing on one dbms
>and deploying on another dbms, EOF starts to look even more beautiful --
>since your logic is in the objects, not the db, nothing will have to be
>ported to the new dbms. in fact, all you really need to do is change the
>EOModel; all of your code can remain in binary form.
>'problems' with EOF-ish approaches include having to distribute your
>framework ( think library ) along with your app, which youd have to do
>anyway seeing that your objects are in that framework/package. stored
>procedures wouldnt have to be shared outside of the dbms ( obviously ).
>personally, i find it a LOT easier to deal with EOF objects rather than a
>potentially large PL/SQL ( or PL/pgSQL ) procedure.
>what'd be interesting is to compare the use of stored procedures to EOF or
>EOF-ish alternatives, using the same data & schema, ofcourse. NeXT/Apple
>has a sample db, sample data, and examples of how one can use EOF's
>features to augment/replace stored procedures in the dbms.
>public void validateForDelete() throws EOValidation.Exception {
> if( !isPaid() )
> {
> throw new EOValidation.Exception("You can't remove an unpaid fee");
> }
> super.validateForDelete();
>- (NSException *)validateForDelete
> if( ![self isPaid] )
> return [NSException validationExceptionWithFormat:@"You can't remove
>an unpaid fee"];
> return [super validateForDelete];
>and yes, i do realize that not everyone has the option of using
>EOF/Javabeans... nobody's perfect :)
> > [SNIP]
> > However, I would like to see data warehouse (or more moderately and
> > accurately data mart) support also -- the point: the priority?
>so either (A) work on implementing tablespaces or (B) donate some money to
>postgresql, inc.
>Howie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://www.toodarkpark.org
>"Just think how much deeper the ocean would be if sponges didn't live
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