forgive my ignorance. why "multi-resultset, multi-level transaction" SP is
so important? no work-around? I rememeber there were some discussion on
multiple-return-value-function in the past. My impression is that they are
not that crucial and usually can
find rather simple work-arounds.
>From: Yin-So Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [GENERAL] stored procedure revisited
>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 00:33:33 -0700
>I've gone through the mailing list archives and the documentation to
>search on this topic, and amazingly there is almost no signs of stored
>procedure discussions anywhere. Once a while a person would ask the
>question of how to do SP in postgresql, and it will be greeted with
>silence. Not that anyone is obligated to reply, but the low volume
>about this topic seems to mean:
>1. this is a very dumb question, rtfm first.
>2. no one knows.
>When reading through the documentation, it seems there isn't a way to do
>SP like in other databases. The closest thing is the CREATE FUNCTION
>command, which can only return one value or a set of one row (of course,
>when it's an opaque function it acts just like other SP). This is very
>far from the multi-resultset, multi-level transaction SP in other
>databases. When I go through the ToDo list, SP is not on it either.
>I think I am missing something very obvious here. Can someone please
>kind enough explain to me, is there SP for postgresql and where I can
>find more information about it? If there isn't, is there any plan for
>implementation? Seems there needs to be an extra table that would hold
>the parsed query tree and a rewrite of the parser to make SP work.
>yin-so chen
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