On 2024-11-19 16:47:40 -0500, Catherine Frock wrote:
> I am trying to restore a previously backed up database .sql file that was
> created in PostgreSQL 9.6 using pgAdmin4 (I'm not sure which version I was
> using).
> In response to Ron: Do I need to use PG16 instead of pgAdmin4?

As Ron already pointed out, these are different things. PostgreSQL is a
Database. PgAdmin ist a Client for that database. You can't use one
instead of the other. You can only use them together (but of course you
could use a different client instead of PgAdmin4).

> I set the PostgreSQL Binary Path to: C:\Program
> Files\PostgreSQL\17\bin. I have tried to restore my database using
> this in the command prompt: "psql.exe db_2024_9 <
> C:\postgis\db_2017-08-16.sql postgres" using an empty database in both
> the PostgreSQL 9.6 and 17 servers, and this is the result:
> Password for user postgres:
> ERROR:  role "basic_user" does not exist
> ERROR:  role "basic_user" does not exist

That looks fine except that the user "basic_user" doesn't exist. You
should create that before restoring the backup. Or could fix the errors
after the fact but for that you need to understand what went wrong.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
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