On 11/13/24 10:50, Catherine Frock wrote:
I'm seeking help in restoring a database that was created with
PostgreSQL 9.6. I backed it up successfully and have restored it before,
but that was when PostgreSQL 9.6 was still supported. After going
Do you still have the Postgres 9.6 instance running?
through the installation of PostgreSQL 16.3, I opened up pgAdmin 4 to
What version of pgAdmin4?
try to verify the PostgreSQL/PostGIS installation, but when I try to
connect to the PostgreSQL 16.3 server, I get an internal server error
message: 'ServerManager' object has no attribute 'user_info'.
In pgAdmin4, I am able to connect to the PostgreSQL 9.6 server, but when
So the 9.6 instance is running.
I try to verify the install by querying: CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
SELECT postgis_version();
I get the following error message: ERROR: could not open extension
control file "C:/Program
Files/PostgreSQL/9.6/share/extension/postgis.control": No such file or
directory SQL state: 58P01
What OS and version are you running?
How did you install Postgres?
How can I restore my database to have access to it again?
Adrian Klaver