My bad. I was expecting primary and unique to be mentioned here, so I did not 
read on.


/*CHECK*// constraints will be copied. No distinction is made between column 
constraints and table constraints. Not-null constraints are always copied to 
the new table./

02.11.2024 00:53:53 Adrian Klaver <>:

> On 11/1/24 16:10, wrote:
>> Adrian Klaver <> escribió:
>> On 11/1/24 13:47, Thiemo Kellner wrote:
>>>> It looks to me basically to be a "create table A as select * from B where 
>>>> false".
>>> No it more capable then that.
>> Yes, I wrote basically, not exactly.
>> CREATE TABLE <some_tbl> LIKE <some_other_tbl> has  like_option which allows 
>> to transfer over more attributes of the table, for example defaults, 
>> constraints, indexes, etc.
>> But, to my understanding, no primary nor unique nor foreign constraint.
>      Indexes, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, and EXCLUDE constraints on the original 
> table will be created on the new table. Names for the new indexes and 
> constraints are chosen according to the default rules, regardless of how the 
> originals were named. (This behavior avoids possible duplicate-name failures 
> for the new indexes.)
> "
> FK's are not in the the INCLUDINGs, nor triggers.
> -- 
> Adrian Klaver

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