It looks to me basically to be a "create table A as select * from B where 

01.11.2024 20:38:15 Adrian Klaver <>:

> On 11/1/24 12:16, wrote:
>> Thanks, I shall have a look into it. I was under the assumption the the 
>> create table like would create no more than a structural copy.
> Not sure what you mean by structural copy, but the table created by CREATE 
> TABLE LIKE will not have any association with the table it was created from.
> "Unlike INHERITS, the new table and original table are completely decoupled 
> after creation is complete. Changes to the original table will not be applied 
> to the new table, and it is not possible to include data of the new table in 
> scans of the original table."
>> Torsten Förtsch < <>> 
>> escribió:
>> Thiemo,
>>> it looks to me like you are using inheritance just to make sure your 
>>> SOURCES and TOPO_FILES tables have some common columns. If you are not 
>>> actually querying the TEMPLATE_TECH table and expect to see all the rows 
>>> from the other 2 tables in that one table combined, then you could use 
>>> CREATE TABLE (LIKE ...) instead of inheritance. That way your "child" 
>>> tables would become normal tables and you could use declarative 
>>> partitioning on them.
>>> Even if you are querying the TEMPLATE_TECH table, you could still do that 
>>> by turning the TEMPLATE_TECH table into a view which performs a UNION ALL 
>>> over the other tables.
> -- 
> Adrian Klaver

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