
you can combine:

archive_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=Demo  archive-push  %p && cp %p
/data/archive/%f '

You need to change your standby replica to consume the wals from pgbackrest
if you want instead to use both commands.

*Rúben Morais*

 *(+351) 965775713*

On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 2:10 PM KK CHN <kkchn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi List ,
> I am trying to configure the pgbackrest  on a live server ( RHEL9, EPAS16
> and Pgbacrest .2.52)  which is having a working   WAL archive
> configuration  to a standby server in postgresql.conf as follows
> 1. archive_mod =on
> 2. archive_level=replica
> 3. archive_command = 'cp %p /data/archive/%f'
> To do the pgbackrest conf on the same   archive_command   directive (So
> both the existing WAL configuration as well as my new pgbackrest option
> both will work smoothly.   how to add an entry  in line 3  ??
> archive_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=Demo  archive-push  cp %p
> /data/archive/%f '
> Please correct me If I am doing wrong in the above line..
> Thank you,
> Krish

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