Hi all, I Play logical replication with row filter feature, my use case is data archiving. in lab env, it worked, my questions: - during alter subscription, what about on-going DML? Can it be lost? - any lock during alter subscription should I aware?
scenario: # on source tutorial=# ALTER PUBLICATION pub1 set TABLE users,likes,articles WHERE (title <> 'del'); ALTER PUBLICATION tutorial=# \dRp+ Publication pub1 Owner | All tables | Inserts | Updates | Deletes | Truncates | Via root ----------+------------+---------+---------+---------+-----------+---------- postgres | f | t | t | t | t | f Tables: "public.articles" WHERE (title <> 'del'::text) "public.likes" "public.users" wait a moment.... update users set password_digest='del' where id=10; wait a moment... tutorial=# ALTER PUBLICATION pub1 set TABLE users WHERE (password_digest <> 'del'),likes,articles WHERE (title <> 'del'); ALTER PUBLICATION tutorial=# \dRp+ Publication pub1 Owner | All tables | Inserts | Updates | Deletes | Truncates | Via root ----------+------------+---------+---------+---------+-----------+---------- postgres | f | t | t | t | t | f Tables: "public.articles" WHERE (title <> 'del'::text) "public.likes" "public.users" WHERE (password_digest <> 'del'::text) delete from users where id=10; # source and target select * from users; id=10 gone at source, but exist at target -- regards ujang jaenudin | Self-Employed, DBA Consultant http://id.linkedin.com/pub/ujang-jaenudin/12/64/bab