On 29 Mar 2024, at 4:25, Thomas Munro wrote:
> I don't have any specific ideas and I have no idea what "ignore
> ownership" means ... what kind of filesystem is running on it?  For
> the simple SSD, is it directly connected, running a normal Apple APFS
> filesystem, or something more complicated?
> I wonder if this could be related to the change in 16 which started to
> rename that file:
> https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commitdiff;h=d8cd0c6c95c0120168df93aae095df4e0682a08a
> Did you ever run 15 or earlier on that system?

In the macOS Finder, when you show the Info (command+i) for an external drive 
(or any partition that is not the boot drive), there is a checkbox "Ignore 
ownership on this volume" in the Permissions section. I think it is by default 
"on" for external drives.

The external SSD is an Orico drive that is connected with USB-C. It is 
initialised as a GUID Partition Map with a single AFPS partition.

We have run PostgreSQL 15 and earlier, before upgrading to 16 when it came out 
last year. We didn't have any problems with 16 until recently, after upgrading 
to Sonoma.


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