On 13 Mar 2024, at 12:35, Stephen Frost wrote:

> Greetings,
> * Nick Renders (postg...@arcict.com) wrote:
>>> ...run them under different users on the system.
>> Are you referring to the "postgres" user / role? Does that also mean setting 
>> up 2 postgres installation directories?
> Yes, two separate MacOS user accounts is what I was suggesting.  You
> could use the same postgres binaries though, no need to have two
> installation of them.  You'd need seperate data directories, of course,
> as you have currently.
>> This script runs on a daily basis at 4:30 AM. It did so this morning and 
>> there was no issue with cluster B. So even though the issue is most likely 
>> related to the script, it does not cause it every time.
> Seems likely that it's some sort of race condition.
> Thanks,
> Stephen

We now have a second machine with this issue: it is an Intel Mac mini running 
macOS Sonoma (14.4) and PostgreSQL 16.2.
This one only has a single Data directory, so there are no multiple instances 

I installed Postgres yesterday and restored a copy from our live database in 
the Data directory. The Postgres process started up without problems, but after 
40 minutes it started throwing the same errors in the log:

        2024-03-21 11:49:27.410 CET [1655] FATAL:  could not open file 
"global/pg_filenode.map": Operation not permitted
        2024-03-21 11:49:46.955 CET [1760] FATAL:  could not open file 
"global/pg_filenode.map": Operation not permitted
        2024-03-21 11:50:07.398 CET [965] LOG:  could not open file 
"postmaster.pid": Operation not permitted; continuing anyway

I stopped and started the process, and it continued working again until around 
21:20, when the issue popped up again. I wasn't doing anything on the machine 
at that time, so I have no idea what might have triggered it.

Is there perhaps some feature that I can enable that logs which processes use 
these 2 files?


Nick Renders

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