On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 9:13 AM Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:
> > I should been clearer. > > What are the CREATE PUBLICATION and CREATE SUBSCRIPTION statements? > > The publications were created a while ago. Does this help: b2bcreditonline=> select * from pg_publication; -[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------- oid | 18829 pubname | b2bc_master pubowner | 16760 puballtables | f pubinsert | t pubupdate | t pubdelete | t pubtruncate | t pubviaroot | f -[ RECORD 2 ]+----------------- oid | 18830 pubname | b2bc_master_only pubowner | 16760 puballtables | f pubinsert | t pubupdate | t pubdelete | t pubtruncate | t pubviaroot | f -[ RECORD 3 ]+----------------- oid | 18831 pubname | b2bc_shard pubowner | 16760 puballtables | f pubinsert | t pubupdate | t pubdelete | t pubtruncate | t pubviaroot | f The publication getting 'stuck' is b2bc_shard. It defines a bunch of tables, one of which is audit.log_row. This table is quite large (600+ GB). b2bcreditonline=> select * from pg_publication_rel where prrelid = 'audit.log_row'::regclass; -[ RECORD 1 ]-- oid | 18832 prpubid | 18831 prrelid | 60067 prqual | prattrs | Here's the subscription info: b2bcreditonline=> select * from pg_subscription; -[ RECORD 1 ]-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oid | 378075175 subdbid | 16404 subskiplsn | 0/0 subname | b2bcreditonline_prod_e_master subowner | 16388 subenabled | t subbinary | f substream | f subtwophasestate | d subdisableonerr | f subpasswordrequired | t subrunasowner | f subconninfo | host= b2bcreditonline-prod-d.cliwvveusxrd.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com user=xxx password=xxx dbname=b2bcreditonline subslotname | b2bcreditonline_prod_e_master subsynccommit | off subpublications | {b2bc_master} suborigin | any -[ RECORD 2 ]-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oid | 378075176 subdbid | 16404 subskiplsn | 0/0 subname | b2bcreditonline_prod_e_master_only subowner | 16388 subenabled | t subbinary | f substream | f subtwophasestate | d subdisableonerr | f subpasswordrequired | t subrunasowner | f subconninfo | host= b2bcreditonline-prod-d.cliwvveusxrd.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com user=xxx password=xxx dbname=b2bcreditonline subslotname | b2bcreditonline_prod_e_master_only subsynccommit | off subpublications | {b2bc_master_only} suborigin | any -[ RECORD 3 ]-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oid | 378075177 subdbid | 16404 subskiplsn | 0/0 subname | b2bcreditonline_prod_e_shard subowner | 16388 subenabled | t subbinary | f substream | f subtwophasestate | d subdisableonerr | f subpasswordrequired | t subrunasowner | f subconninfo | host= b2bcreditonline-prod-d.cliwvveusxrd.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com user=xxx password=xxx dbname=b2bcreditonline subslotname | b2bcreditonline_prod_e_shard subsynccommit | off subpublications | {b2bc_shard} suborigin | any -- > Adrian Klaver > adrian.kla...@aklaver.com > >