On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 8:56 AM Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> What are the rest of the values in pg_replication_slots?
> b2bcreditonline=> select * from pg_replication_slots;
                  slot_name                  |  plugin  | slot_type |
datoid |    database     | temporary | active | active_pid | xmin |
catalog_xmin |  restart_lsn  | confirmed_flush_lsn | wal_status |
safe_wal_size | two_phase
 b2bcreditonline_prod_e_master               | pgoutput | logical   |
 16404 | b2bcreditonline | f         | t      |      13700 |      |
 456150233 | 2E2F/AC07B760 | 2E2F/AEEEA478       | reserved   |
  | f
 b2bcreditonline_prod_sandbox_d_master       | pgoutput | logical   |
 16404 | b2bcreditonline | f         | t      |       9232 |      |
 456150233 | 2E2F/AC07B760 | 2E2F/AEEEA560       | reserved   |
  | f
 b2bcreditonline_prod_e_master_only          | pgoutput | logical   |
 16404 | b2bcreditonline | f         | t      |      13710 |      |
 456150233 | 2E2F/AC07B760 | 2E2F/AEEEA560       | reserved   |
  | f
 pg_378075177_sync_60067_7343845372910323059 | pgoutput | logical   |
 16404 | b2bcreditonline | f         | f      |            |      |
 455719618 | 2E2A/1C0972E0 | 2E2A/1C097318       | extended   |
  | f
 b2bcreditonline_prod_e_shard                | pgoutput | logical   |
 16404 | b2bcreditonline | f         | t      |      13718 |      |
 456150233 | 2E2F/AC07B760 | 2E2F/AEEEA560       | reserved   |
  | f
(5 rows)

> Is there data in the subscriber side table?
> No there is not, although when I did a 'select count(*) from {table}' it
took several minutes to return 0 rows.

> What are the publisher and subscriber configurations?
> Not sure which settings, but here's a few.

(publisher - pg 15.3)
b2bcreditonline=> select name, setting from pg_settings where name like
'max\_%' escape '\';
               name                | setting
 max_connections                   | 5000
 max_files_per_process             | 1000
 max_function_args                 | 100
 max_identifier_length             | 63
 max_index_keys                    | 32
 max_locks_per_transaction         | 64
 max_logical_replication_workers   | 16
 max_parallel_maintenance_workers  | 2
 max_parallel_workers              | 8
 max_parallel_workers_per_gather   | 2
 max_pred_locks_per_page           | 2
 max_pred_locks_per_relation       | -2
 max_pred_locks_per_transaction    | 64
 max_prepared_transactions         | 0
 max_replication_slots             | 64
 max_slot_wal_keep_size            | -1
 max_stack_depth                   | 6144
 max_standby_archive_delay         | 30000
 max_standby_streaming_delay       | 30000
 max_sync_workers_per_subscription | 4
 max_wal_senders                   | 96
 max_wal_size                      | 4096
 max_worker_processes              | 32
(23 rows)

(subscriber - pg 16.2)
b2bcreditonline=> select name, setting from pg_settings where name like
'max\_%' escape '\';
                    name                     | setting
 max_connections                             | 5000
 max_files_per_process                       | 1000
 max_function_args                           | 100
 max_identifier_length                       | 63
 max_index_keys                              | 32
 max_locks_per_transaction                   | 64
 max_logical_replication_workers             | 16
 max_parallel_apply_workers_per_subscription | 2
 max_parallel_maintenance_workers            | 2
 max_parallel_workers                        | 8
 max_parallel_workers_per_gather             | 2
 max_pred_locks_per_page                     | 2
 max_pred_locks_per_relation                 | -2
 max_pred_locks_per_transaction              | 64
 max_prepared_transactions                   | 0
 max_replication_slots                       | 64
 max_slot_wal_keep_size                      | -1
 max_stack_depth                             | 6144
 max_standby_archive_delay                   | 30000
 max_standby_streaming_delay                 | 30000
 max_sync_workers_per_subscription           | 4
 max_wal_senders                             | 96
 max_wal_size                                | 4096
 max_worker_processes                        | 32
(24 rows)

> >
> > I've checked the recent logs for both the publishing cluster and the
> > subscribing cluster but I can't see any replication errors. I guess I
> > could have missed them, but it doesn't seem like anything is being
> > 'retried' like I've seen in the past with replication errors.
> >
> > I've used this mechanism for zero-downtime upgrades multiple times in
> > the past, and have recently used it to upgrade smaller clusters from
> > 15.x to 16.2 without issue.
> >
> > The clusters are hosted on AWS RDS, so I have no access to the servers,
> > but if that's the only way to diagnose the issue, I can create a support
> > case.
> >
> > Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I should look for the issue?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Steve
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

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