At Thu, 29 Dec 2022 13:52:18 +0300, Дмитрий Цветков <> 
wrote in 
> I'm trying to write my first extension and open a table in it.
> I use check_password_hook and my function executes at the moment of
> changing user password.
> But if I try to open a table inside this function, I get Segmentation fault
> on the line with   "RelationGetDescr".
> What am I doing wrong?

table_open() should error out when it is going to return an invalid
Relation*, and RelationGetDescr(rel) is "rel->rd_att". So the
RelationGetDescr() cannot get a segv even if the table does not exist.

# I modified contrib/passwordcheck that way and saw RelationGetDescr()
# doesn't get segv in the shown context.

I guess the segv comes from another place, or something else has
broken memory until there. but anyway more information is needed for
people to diagnose your situation more closely.


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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