Love the forum,

I'm bringing 100k - 200k of AR transactions into a table from several separate ERP companies.

As I insert the records, does it make sense to run a trigger event to build or insert data into

a reporting table (to save generating a query to build the reporting table later.)

For example, I bring in 120k records which contain invoice dates from the beginning of time

in the ERP system. (eg; records with dated transactions from 2010...2022)

Conceptual data


Dallas        2012-01-09    7500.00
Dallas        2012-11-19    1200.00
Dallas        2012-04-02    500.00
Phoenix       2012-01-03    1200.00
Phoenix        2012-04-12    7500.00

Would it be possible, or would it make sense to create a trigger which populated another

table like below after each insert...or is is a resource killer..or just unnecessary, and smarter to create a query

that performs calculated on the fly columns for the dates of invoice?

[Location][InvoiceDate][Amount]    [Jan]            [Feb]     [Mar]            [Apr]          [May]             [Jun]      [Jul]         [Aug]           [Sep]            [Oct]     [Nov]         [Dec]

Dallas         2012-01-09                   7500.00

Dallas 2012-11-19 1200.00

Dallas 2012-04-02 500.00

Phoenix    2012-01-03                    1200.00

Phoenix 2012-04-12 7500.00


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