> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com wrote:
>> b...@yugabyte.com wrote:
>> So only "postgres" can edit the files that must be so edited.
> That is not true.... [sudo vi some-file] which opens [it for editing].

By all means. I didn't bother to spell that out;

> It isn't you where using pg_ctl and in the Debian/Ubuntu packaging the better 
> option for that is pg_ctlcluster. I generally use the systemd scripts to 
> start/stop Postgres instances, though when I do pg_lsclusters I tend to fall 
> into using pg_ctlcluster as the cluster info is right there.

Can't parse this. Sorry.

>> Notice that I'm still using the off-limits "initdb" here. (I wired it up 
>> with a link on "/usr/bin".) Is there any reason to change that and to try to 
>> work out how to use what David (in an email soon after Adrian's) suggested?
> Yes and since that is basically coloring outside the lines, then that leads 
> to ... blowing up ... Per the saying, "In a ham and eggs breakfast the 
> chicken is involved but the pig is committed", right now you are involved in 
> the Debian/Ubuntu process but not committed. Until you commit you will not 
> get the results you want.

Fair enough. I started again from the state where my "config_file", my 
"hba_file", and my "ident_file" are all customized as I want them to be but 
where I hadn't yet tried to trash my cluster and re-create it. Then I tried 
with "pg_dropcluster --stop" and "pg_createcluster". I discovered immediately 
that this approach (in contrast to the "initdb" approach) blows away all the 
*.conf files and recreates them in canonical form—just as the "man" page says. 
This is a bit of a nuisance. But it's negotiable. I installed my files as I 
want them in a safe place, outside of the entire PG world, and then used this 

sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 11 main

sudo pg_createcluster 11 main \
  -e UTF8 --locale=C --lc-collate=C --lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8 \
  -d /var/lib/postgresql/11/main \
  > /dev/null

sudo cp /etc/ybmt-code/pg-and-yb-config-files/*.conf \

sudo chown postgres /etc/postgresql/11/main/*.conf
sudo chgrp postgres /etc/postgresql/11/main/*.conf
sudo chmod 644      /etc/postgresql/11/main/*.conf
sudo chmod 640      /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf
sudo chmod 640      /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_ident.conf

sudo pg_ctlcluster start 11/main

sudo -u postgres psql -c " select name, setting from pg_settings where category 
= 'File Locations'; "

sudo -u postgres psql -f 

It worked without error and had the intended effect. My old approach with the 
uncommitted chicken used to take ~3 sec. This new approach takes ~5 sec. The 
difference is completely unimportant.

For various reasons, I need the non-standard "--lc-collate=C" choice. I could 
doubtless leave all the other options unspecified. But that's the style 
discussion we had the other day—and I prefer, here, to self-doc my choices.

I discovered that using, say, the "initdb" approach, then the "kosher" 
approach, and then the "initdb" approach brought all sorts of errors. That's 
the beauty of using a VM and file backups (or snapshots). I suppose this is to 
be expected.

Can I declare victory, now, with the approach that I showed above?

I'm impatient to get back to my real project.

p.s. Is my pessimism justified—that there simply exists no plain English user 
guide for this whole Debian/Ubuntu apparatus—correct. Or is it, rather, that my 
search skills are just too feeble?

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