"Additionally, while reading the next chapter, Server Setup and Operation, is recommended if you are using a binary package the setup and operational environment it creates is likely to be somewhat different than what is described in this documentation. Please read the documentation for the packages you install to learn how it behaves and what additional platform-specific features it provides."I wonder if "binary package" would confuse some apt/yum/etc users? Maybe "package supplied from a distributor"?
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "local" "pee... David G. Johnston
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "local" &quo... Bryn Llewellyn
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "local" ... David G. Johnston
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "local&qu... David G. Johnston
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "loca... Bryn Llewellyn
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "... Adrian Klaver
- Re: Putting the O/S user for &... Bryn Llewellyn
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "... David G. Johnston
- Re: Putting the O/S user for &... David G. Johnston
- Re: Putting the O/S user for &... Bryn Llewellyn
- Re: Putting the O/S user for &... Rob Sargent
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "local" ... Adrian Klaver
- Re: Putting the O/S user for "local" "pee... Laurenz Albe
- Aw: Re: Putting the O/S user for "local" ... Karsten Hilbert