"jack...@gmail.com" <jack...@gmail.com> writes:
> When I add 
> "{ oid => '6015', oid_symbol => 'SPB_AM_OID',
>   descr => 'SPB index access method',
>   amname => 'spb', amhandler => 'spbhandler', amtype => 'i' },"
> in pg_am.dat
> and  add
> "{ oid => '388', descr => 'spb index access method handler',
>   proname => 'spbhandler', provolatile => 'v',
>   prorettype => 'index_am_handler', proargtypes => 'internal',
>   prosrc => 'spbhandler' }," in pg_proc.dat,
> so when I use the make install && cd contrib;make install;
> whether it equals to execute create access method?

Did you run initdb afterwards?  What you describe here should
result in an updated postgres.bki file, but that isn't the
same as catalog entries in a live database.

> And Sorry for the another mail "access method xxx does not exist", you 
> suggest me add new 
> Am Index in contrib, But I need to modify gist to spb, so that's not my 
> require. And I need to know
> add those in pg_proc.dat and pg_am.dat, if it won't create access method for 
> spb, what else I need to 
> do?

To be very blunt, it doesn't sound to me that your skills with
Postgres are anywhere near up to the task of writing a new
index access method.  You should start with some less-ambitious
project to gain some familiarity with the code base.

                        regards, tom lane

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