Sorry, I open another mail list to ask this question. When I add "{ oid => '6015', oid_symbol => 'SPB_AM_OID', descr => 'SPB index access method', amname => 'spb', amhandler => 'spbhandler', amtype => 'i' }," in pg_am.dat and add "{ oid => '388', descr => 'spb index access method handler', proname => 'spbhandler', provolatile => 'v', prorettype => 'index_am_handler', proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'spbhandler' }," in pg_proc.dat,
so when I use the make install && cd contrib;make install; whether it equals to execute create access method? by the way, I've added the spb codes in src/access/spb, so don't worry about the spbhandler. And Sorry for the another mail "access method xxx does not exist", you suggest me add new Am Index in contrib, But I need to modify gist to spb, so that's not my require. And I need to know add those in pg_proc.dat and pg_am.dat, if it won't create access method for spb, what else I need to do? --------------